Maui's Journey

The true story of Ho’oponopono
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The Maui's Journey ​​is a unique book​. ​Suitable for all ages​. ​​It shows us the values o​f Ho'opopopono and it signes the ​path to ​evolve following the principles of Love. The Hawaiian culture ​​contains many teachings. We can understand many explanations of reality only by ​that wonders. ​The philosophy of life "Aloha" ​is the contained value in this beautiful story​. ​This story shows us with simplicity the universal truths. ​From the perspective of the young Maui Kapua and his friend Kane, this story transports us to an ​ adventure never seen before. And this ​adventure teaches us how to live happily and in harmony. The journey of Maui ​tells us ​the hidden wonders of the Hawaiian culture. And it does it with poetic images and with a simple language. It is a small jewels ​with universal value. ​It contains the wonders that represent ​the explanation of ​ how reality works. This book is a ​reference point ​in educational books​. ​But it is ​appropriate for all ages. For children it teaches the basics of love and respect, the natural ways to grow. For adults and for all those who love the Ho'oponopono,​ it is ​a key book to deepen the unknown aspects of the Hawaiian culture from which this ancient and powerful practice originates. It answers many questions that often are unclear even to ​who has been practicing Ho'oponopono for a long time.With the contributions of Barbara Randall, representative of the aboriginal culture, and Estrella Apolonia, a Native American woman, with her beautiful drawings.

Biographical notes

Rodolfo Carone è Master reiki di diversi sistemi, tra cui il Gendai, il Komyo, l’approccio occidentale, il Karuna, il Reiki tibetano e il Japanese. È inoltre insegnante e operatore shiatsu, praticante della tecnica craniosacrale, riconnettiva, mana lomi, insegnante di tecniche taoiste e di sciamanesimo hawaiano. È creatore del sistema T.r.e. (tecniche di riallineamento energetico) e del metodo Comunicamare. Assieme a Francesca Tuzzi e Giovanna Garbuio ha ideato e organizzato l’evento internazionale “the Circe of Life” (, l’evento Life after Life, e i movimenti internazionali “Water for Unity”( e “Rainbow drops of Life”, come pure la giornata "The day of alliance for water and life", con personaggi come Masaru Emoto, Lynne McTaggart, Howard Martin, Roger Nelson e molti altri.
Francesca Tuzzi è Master reiki di vari sistemi tra cui Gendai, Komyo, occidentale, tecniche tradizionali, Karuna e tibetano. È responsabile didattico della Gendai Reiki Italia, organizzatrice dell’evento internazionale Circle of Life, operattrice shiatsu, craniosacrale, di kinesiologia emozionale e riconnessione. Assieme a Rodolfo Carone e Giovanna Garbuio ha ideato e organizzato l’evento internazionale “the Circe of Life” (, l’evento Life after Life, e i movimenti internazionali “Water for Unity”( e “Rainbow drops of Life”, come pure la giornata "The day of alliance for water and life", con personaggi come Masaru Emoto, Lynne McTaggart, Howard Martin, Roger Nelson e molti altri.


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