The Maui's Journey is a unique book. Suitable for all ages. It shows us the values of Ho'opopopono and it signes the path to evolve following the principles of Love.
The Hawaiian culture contains many teachings. We can understand many explanations of reality only by that wonders. The philosophy of life "Aloha" is the contained value in this beautiful story.
This story shows us with simplicity the universal truths. From the perspective of the young Maui Kapua and his friend Kane, this story transports us to an adventure never seen before. And this adventure teaches us how to live happily and in harmony.
The journey of Maui tells us the hidden wonders of the Hawaiian culture. And it does it with poetic images and with a simple language. It is a small jewels with universal value. It contains the wonders that represent the explanation of how reality works.
This book is a reference point in educational books. But it is appropriate for all ages. For children it teaches the basics of love and respect, the natural ways to grow. For adults and for all those who love the Ho'oponopono, it is a key book to deepen the unknown aspects of the Hawaiian culture from which this ancient and powerful practice originates. It answers many questions that often are unclear even to who has been practicing Ho'oponopono for a long time.With the contributions of Barbara Randall, representative of the aboriginal culture, and Estrella Apolonia, a Native American woman, with her beautiful drawings.
Notes biographiques
Rodolfo Carone è Master reiki di diversi sistemi, tra cui il Gendai, il Komyo, l’approccio occidentale, il Karuna, il Reiki tibetano e il Japanese. È inoltre insegnante e operatore shiatsu, praticante della tecnica craniosacrale, riconnettiva, mana lomi, insegnante di tecniche taoiste e di sciamanesimo hawaiano. È creatore del sistema T.r.e. (tecniche di riallineamento energetico) e del metodo Comunicamare.
Assieme a Francesca Tuzzi e Giovanna Garbuio ha ideato e organizzato l’evento internazionale “the Circe of Life” (, l’evento Life after Life, e i movimenti internazionali “Water for Unity”( e “Rainbow drops of Life”, come pure la giornata "The day of alliance for water and life", con personaggi come Masaru Emoto, Lynne McTaggart, Howard Martin, Roger Nelson e molti altri.
Francesca Tuzzi è Master reiki di vari sistemi tra cui Gendai, Komyo, occidentale, tecniche tradizionali, Karuna e tibetano. È responsabile didattico della Gendai Reiki Italia, organizzatrice dell’evento internazionale Circle of Life, operattrice shiatsu, craniosacrale, di kinesiologia emozionale e riconnessione.
Assieme a Rodolfo Carone e Giovanna Garbuio ha ideato e organizzato l’evento internazionale “the Circe of Life” (, l’evento Life after Life, e i movimenti internazionali “Water for Unity”( e “Rainbow drops of Life”, come pure la giornata "The day of alliance for water and life", con personaggi come Masaru Emoto, Lynne McTaggart, Howard Martin, Roger Nelson e molti altri.