The Development of Fashion Institutions in Italy Involving Both Private and Public Sectors (1945-1962)

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"The essay by Gianluigi Di Giangirolamo entitled The Development of Fashion Institutions in Italy Involving Both Private and Public Sectors (1945-1962) investigates the process of institutionalising Italian fashion during the 20th century. Using as sources documents stored in the Central state archive in Rome, the scholar traces the historical path that ultimately led to the birth of the National chamber for Italian fashion, an association that still today governs, coordinates and promotes the development of the sector in Italy. As well illustrated by Di Giangirolamo, research fellow in Contemporary History at the Department for Life Quality Studies of the University of Bologna, the process that led to the birth of the National chamber for Italian fashion represents the outcome of a complex economic, social, cultural and political journey that paralleled the development of the modern capitals of Italian fashion in the second post-war period."
