Memoirs of a Management Consultant

Brief history of my life, professional and other, told by myself
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The book, in the form of an autobiography, recounts more than fifty years of the history of the profession in Italy through the experience of a business consultant.From the 1960s to the early 2000s, from Olivetti General Electric to Cegos, MIDA, Ernst & Young Consultants to Coreconsulting, the author lived through the crucial years of management consulting and consequently of Italian entrepreneurship.But these memoirs contain much more. Among much else, they tell of a whale hunt, a duel that ended badly, friendships and also football and cycling.With urbanity and irony, this account of the memories of a lifetime encompasses professional and private life, travels, achievements and some regrets.

Biographical notes

Franco Guazzoni (Milano, 1941), laureatosi in Economia e Commercio all’Università Bocconi, ha lavorato alla Philadelphia National Bank, negli USA, poi all’Olivetti General Electric e alla Cegos Italia; nel 1974 è stato tra i fondatori della società di consulenza MIDA; nel 1993 è entrato come partner in Ernst & Young Consultants, divenendo poi vicepresidente di Capgemini E&Y. Dal 2003 è partner di Coreconsulting, dove ha svolto attività di consulenza e di coaching per le risorse umane.


By the same author