Eight hours of eternity

Giacomo’s story


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What can you find in a mother’s heart and mind when she has been told that the baby in her womb has a life-limiting condition? Through the pages of her diary, Silvia lets us live those dramatic hours and the many “whys” she and her husband had. This is the beginning of a journey supported by many people and the reading of some important books, that helped a family avoid being overwhelmed by despair and recognise that their son, like all children, was only asking to be welcomed, loved and accompanied to the destiny of his short but meaningful life. This is the miracle that happened: Giacomo lived only eight hours, but he left a sign in the life of many people. He let questions be made, he comforted, he gave hope and certainty to everybody that every life has value. Always. All the author’s rights of my book will be donated to the «Neonatal Comfort Care Program» of The Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital di New York, where our Dr. Elvira Parravicini works.

Note biografiche

Silvia Fasana (Como, 1983), graduated in midwifery at S. Gerardo hospital, Monza (Italy). Since 2011 she lives in Dubai (UAE) with her husband Roberto and their five daughters, Viola, Rachele, Stella, Giorgia e Matilde.


By the same author