Dialogue, Respect and Freedom of Expression in the Public Arena

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This ebook gathers the main conferences and a selection of the communication of the eleventh edition of the Professional Seminar for Church Communications Offices: Dialogue, Respect and Freedom of Expression in the Public Sphere, organized by the School of Church Communications of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, in Rome in April 17 to 19, 2018. The authors elaborate on freedom of expression, dialogue and respect under the framework Catholic Church and the Public Sphere, from different perspectives: communication, history, philosophy, theology, law, political science and social science. Some of these contributions explore the theoretical framework for academic reflection, and others analyse the specific dynamics of the media scene from a more applicative perspective. Jordi Pujol is Assistant Professor of Media Ethics and Law, at the School of Church Communications, of the Ponti fical University of Santa Croce (Rome). He teaches courses on “Media Ethics” and “Digital Law”. He is particularly focused in three areas of research: the ethical dilemmas related to freedom of expression; Digital identity: The impact in the Church of the General Data Protection Regulation in Europe; Transparency in the communication of the Church. Cristian Mendoza holds the position of associate professor of Catholic Social Teaching in the School of Theology at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome. He is also professor at the School of Church Communications where his area of expertise is the economic dimension of the Catholic Church. He was Resident Fellow at the Harvard Divinity School (Fall 2018) and is currently developing a Board for Inclusive Growth in collaboration with a number of Business Schools in Latin America such as as IPADE (Mexico) and ESE (Chile).

Biographical notes

Cristian Mendoza è professore associato di dottrina sociale della Chiesa presso la Facoltà di Teologia della Pontificia Università della Santa Croce a Roma. Insegna cultura economica della Chiesa presso la facoltà di comunicazione istituzionale della medesima università. Da anni collabora con alcune Business Schools dell’America Latina in un progetto di Inclusive Growth per generare iniziative di sviluppo sostenibile fra imprenditori con sensibilità per il sociale. È stato resident Fellow a Harvard University durante il corso 2018/19. Ha pubblicato articoli e libri in collaborazione con IPADE Business School e con ESE Business School.
Jordi Pujol is Assistant Professor of Media Ethics and Law, at the School of Church Communications, of the Ponti fical University of Santa Croce (Rome). He teaches courses on “Media Ethics” and “Digital Law”. He is particularly focused in three areas of research: the ethical dilemmas related to freedom of expression; Digital identity: The impact in the Church of the General Data Protection Regulation in Europe; Transparency in the communication of the Church.


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