The European future of the Italian port system

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The future of Italian port activities is either European or nothing at all. Like every other ‘industry’ in our country, port activities are faced with the need to meet the challenges of the technological and organisational innovation of their production system and the globalisation of their markets. In the sea port sector such globalisation appears in the form of very large ships and very large ports, which tend to exclude from the transoceanic market any ports unable to adapt. The future is of ports located along the routes connecting the big world markets, but only if they are capable of handling big volumes of traffic and doing so with growing efficiency. The ports must be integrated into a broad logistical system based on port back-up facilities and interports able to consolidate/deconsolidate traffic directed along multi-modal corridors towards large contestable markets. None of the Italian ports is currently in a position to vie with the North Sea ports for world traffic to and from Europe. It will be possible to emerge from this inferior condition only by reordering the ports into a few multi-port systems, exploiting the ‘opportunity’ provided by the new strategy to construct the trans-European transport network, the Ten-T, by 2030. The condition is that Italy radically reforms its legal framework in a European direction: reducing and hierarchising its port authorities, opening up the port services and technical-nautical markets to greater competition, aligning the granting of concessions and port work to European law, and reforming the road and rail freight traffic system in a perspective of greater environmental sustainability. The advantages that may arise from this approach are exemplified in the case of the North Adriatic multi-port corridor. It is the most ‘European’ of all because of the cross-border functional need to see the Italian ports of Ravenna, Venice and Trieste working in a system of coopetition (cooperation and competition) with the Slovenian port of Koper and the Croatian port of Rijeka. The contribution made by the technological and organisational innovation of the Venice ‘call’ to achieving the common North Adriatic objectives is illustrated by a description of the project for the integrated offshore-onshore port now at an advanced stage of development.

Biographical notes

Paolo Costa è stato presidente dell’Autorità portuale di Venezia. Professore ordinario di Economia dal 1980 al 2003, è stato rettore dell’Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia (1992-1996), ministro dei Lavori pubblici e delle Aree urbane (1996-1998), sindaco di Venezia (2000-2005), parlamentare europeo (1999-2009) e presidente della Commissione Trasporti (2003-2009) del Parlamento europeo.
Maurizio Maresca, Ordinario di diritto dell’Unione Europea nell’Università di Udine, ha insegnato in varie università italiane e all’estero. Ha diretto la Fondazione etl – European Transport Law. Esperto di diritto dell’Unione Europea, si è occupato di numerosi dossier fra cui , nel periodo 1997-1999, della riorganizzazione del trasporto aereo in occasione della ristrutturazione di Alitalia, della fusione con Klm e dell’avvio di Malpensa, della riorganizzazione del comparto autostradale, della promozione dell’intermodalità e della riforma della portualità. Ha svolto incarichi istituzionali in Italia e all’estero fra cui lo European Forum for Energy and Transport, il Presidente Autorità portuale di Trieste, il Consigliere di Amministrazione di Alitalia.
Luciano Violante, professore ordinario di diritto e procedura penale, magistrato e a lungo parlamentare del Pci, del Pds, dei Ds e del Pd, è stato presidente della Camera dei deputati dal 1996 al 2001. Per Einaudi ha curato tre volumi degli Annali della Storia d’Italia. Come autore, sempre per Einaudi, ha pubblicato Non è la piovra. Dodici tesi sulle mafie (1994), Un mondo asimmetrico (2003), Magistrati (2009), Politica e menzogna (2013), Il dovere di avere doveri (2014), Democrazie senza memoria (2017). Per Solferino ha pubblicato Colpire per primi (2019), e per il Mulino Giustizia e mito (con Marta Cartabia, 2018), Sostiene Creonte (2021) e Senza vendette (2022).


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