NuEndo ReThinking Endodontics

A systematic approach to diagnosis and case selection
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For the general dentist and the experienced endodontist alike, NuEndo is both a guide and a reference tool for the complex processes of endodontic diagnosis, prognosis, and case selection. You will come to fully understand the dynamics of the pulpal-dentin complex, the underlying conditions related to pulpal and periapical disease, and the methods surrounding its assessment. Arm yourself with rational, evidence-based thought processes and use them to reinforce your clinical decisions and treatment recommendations. Build critical thinking skills that will hone your diagnostic and prognostic abilities. Follow well-developed and structured arguments to help you decide “what’s next?” for any given set of preexisting patient conditions. NuEndo makes the complex straightforward by using easy-to-follow flow diagrams for every aspect of endodontic diagnosis.


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