Everyone Will See the Salvation of God

Studies in Lukan Theology
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The volume comprises ten studies on Lukan theology relating especially with the theme of salvation, but also with christology and kingdom of God in Luke-Acts, as well as with the author of the two-volume work of Luke: - Luke the Jew? Current Trajectories of Scholarship - Jesus Christ, Salvation and Kingdom of God: For a Discussion on the Thematic Unity of Luke-Acts - Our Father Abraham and the Universal Promise of Salvation in the Lukan Writings - The Lukan Story of Salvation as an Insight: Re-reading Isaiah in Luke-Acts - The Law and the Kingdom of God in the Soteriology of St Luke - Faith and Works in Luke: The Case of Circumcision - ‘And the Lord turned’: A Lukan Feature in the Itinerant Behaviour of Jesus - The Practice of Prayer by Jesus in the Lukan Teachings - The Finger of God (Luke 11:20) in Modern and Patristic Exegesis - The Plan of God and the Announcement of the Kingdom in the Light of Acts 28:17-31

Note biografiche

Lesław Daniel Chrupcała ofm, nato in Polonia nel 1963, francescano, ha compiuto studi di Sacra Scrittura e Teologia a Gerusalemme e a Roma. Dal 1988 è al servizio della Custodia di Terra Santa. Ha pubblicato, oltre a vari saggi esegetici e articoli di divulgazione nel campo della ricerca biblica, alcune monografie, tra cui Il regno opera della Trinità nel vangelo di Luca (Jerusalem 1998) e The Kingdom of God. A Bibliography of 20th Century Research (Jerusalem 2007). Attualmente è professore ordinario di teologia dogmatica allo Studium Theologicum Jerosolymitanum (facoltà di Scienze Bibliche e d'Archeologia della Pontificia Università Antonianum di Roma). Lesław Daniel Chrupcała ofm, born in Poland in 1963, a Franciscan, studied Holy Scripture and Theology in Jerusalem and Rome. Since 1988, he has been at the service of the Custody of the Holy Land. He has published, as well as a number of exegetic essays and articles in the field of Biblical research, some monographs, including Il regno opera della Trinità nel vangelo di Luca (Jerusalem 1998) and The Kingdom of God. A Bibliography of 20th Century Research (Jerusalem 2007). He is currently professor of dogmatic theology at the Studium Theologicum Jerosolymitanum (Faculty of Biblical Sciences and Archaeology of the Pontifical Antonianum University of Rome).


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