Edureform Handbook for Innovative Pedagogy

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The 4th IR is happening and this ground-breaking text comprehensively tackles the impact on teaching and learning. The book is fundamental reading for all teachers intending to be at the forefront of innovative technologies. A must read! -Dr Alpesh Maisuria Associate Professor of Education Policy in Critical Education, University of the West of England, UK. This book is revolutionary. It challenges all teachers to engage with highly stimulating pedagogical tools for the contemporary classroom, with reflective, innovative and critical thinking to the fore. Essential reading for all in Education. -Dr. Robyn Moloney Senior Lecturer School of Education, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia An intercontinental partnership has developed a creative environment where innovative ideas have been shared and nurtured. This inspiring book offers universities and schools the opportunity to reshape educational policies and curricula: it favours innovative learning practices and provides a new dimension for global citizenship education. Mr Gisella Langé, Ministry of Education Italy


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