Slow wine 2020 - English version

A year in the life of slow wine
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Now in its tenth year, Slow Wine is the only guide that visits all the cellars it reviews (this year 366 in Italy, 176 in California and 69 in Oregon) to describe the lives, the vineyards and the wines of the very best Italian and American producers. 273 snail symbols, the cellars whose values chime with those of Slow Food. 151 bottle symbols, the producers who express top quality in every bottle. 53 coin symbols, the cellars that ensure top value for money. 25,000 wines tasted by more than 250 contributors in Italy and the USA. 160 cellars that offer a 10% discount on the purchase of their wine to individual customers who bring a print edition of Slow Wine 2020 with them when they visit. 44 cellars that provide refreshments on the premises or nearby, and 82 that offer accommodation.
