Beyond the single tooth

Treatment planning for whole mouth dentistry
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Dental school teaches us to be technicians and to think in a linear fashion. We come out reacting to and fixing problems. Prevention is limited to oral hygiene. When we practice in this manner, we are perceived as a commodity and there is little to differentiate ourselves or our expertise. However, when we approach our patients in a comprehensive manner, our critical thinking is enhanced. We now start to look beyond restorative solutions. Considering other disciplines often lead to more predictable outcomes. This book is written to stimulate thought and provide ways to change your practice from reparative to comprehensive dentistry. Clinical examples of how to gather records and collaborate with other specialties will help guide you to more predictable results and loyal patients.

Notes biographiques

Dr. Paresh Shah maintains a private practice in Winnipeg, Canada with a focus on implants, aesthetics and interdisciplinary care. Dr. Shah holds a BSc in Microbiology, and MSc in Physiology and graduated from what is now known as the Dr. Gerald Niznick College of Dentistry at the University of Manitoba Dental School in 1991. He has a proficiency certificate in Esthetic Dentistry from the State University of New York at Buffalo in 2007 and a GPR from the University of Manitoba in 1992. His passion for advanced education led him to found and co-direct a Seattle Study Club in Winnipeg. He has used digital technology in his practice for over 15 years. He serves as a key opinion leader for several dental manufacturers. Dr. Shah has been invited to give over 350 lectures internationally, and lectures on all aspects of restorative, interdisciplinary care and digital dentistry


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