Practical atlas of OCT Angiography

The Italian experience
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This Practical Atlas of OCT Angiography in the field of swept-source angiography is the end product of a scientific and editorial project that, in recent years, involved 12 Italian Centres with vast experience in the treatment of vitreoretinal degenerative vascular diseases. The atlas is eminently practical and aims to provide, including for educational purposes, a guide for handy and rapid consultation aimed at those engaging for the first time with this diagnostic methodology. In the first part of the book, the general principles of swept-source angiography, the interpretation of the diagnostic outcomes and their reporting are described. Moreover, indications are provided on how to improve the operator’s learning curve and practical advice for optimising the diagnostic process in clinical practice. In the second part of the book. In the second part of the text there are numerous clinical cases divided into the respective sections of retinal pathologies and accompanied by a set of typical and atypical images obtained first of all with Swept-Source Angiography.


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