Landscape by Signs

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From architecture to landscape, the step was not short, like the jumping in scale in the perspective perception of spaces. For architecture, the view stopped against a wall, to then enter and capture the space through the category of the Alberti concinnitas. This book contains articles developed for conferences and magazine papers, written over the last fi ve years, and reconstructs a theoretical and design path of the author and his students at the Politecnico di Milano. Landscape representations of the students are presented, the result of a mixed path between personal perception and visualization techniques, including manual drawing, photography, video and photo retouching. The search for new paths can lead to the desperate exaltation of the expressive characters of each of us (perhaps meaningless) or to the laying of new cornerstones of the representation of the future: we need to go beyond the modern to be a frontier, we need to be avant-garde to recognize in a new sign a symbol of our contemporaneity.

Notas biográficas

Alessandro Bianchi (Rimini 1969), Architect and Ph.D, Associate Professor at the School AUIC – Politecnico di Milano. His main focus is the representation of architecture and landscape in terms of signs and symbols. Author of several papers and books including: Building by Signs (2003-2010) and Il Centro Piacentiniano di Bergamo (2018). Editor in 2013 of the exhibition Palazzo Te allo Specchio, Center of Art and Culture of Palazzo Te. In 2015 he won the award for technological innovation of SIESAIE Bologna with the project First Aid Clinic, smart building.

