Quaderni di Statistica

Volume 11 - 2009
Año :
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S. TERZI, Perfect aggregation in linear models: a geometrical insightA. PUNZO, On kernel smoothing in polytomous IRT:
a new minimum distance estimatorM. IANNARIO, Fitting measures for ordinal data modelsF. DI IORIO, D. PICCOLO, Generalized residuals in CUB modelsFORUMM. MATTEUCCI, S. MIGNANI, A proposal for classifying students’ maths performances in lower secondary schoolP. MONARI, L. STRACQUALURSI,
On the statistical analysis of intra course dynamics in university
system networksG. GHELLINI, L. NERI, A. D’AGOSTINO,
Towards a longitudinal survey design for PhD evaluationP. ZUCCOLOTTO, Missing values treatment with interval imputation
in satisfaction measurementM. GNALDI, M.G. RANALLI, Composite indicators of scientific researchM. DI MARTINO, G. GALIMBERTI, G. SOFFRITTI,
Evaluating public services through multivariate linear regression analysisR. BERNI, A. ROMANI, R. RIVELLO, Consumer preferences and territorial certification: the case of four Val d’Orcia food products
