New generation photovoltaics

A Guide to Design and Implementation Updated to Third Generation Technology
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This book aims to provide a global overview of the technological, design and financial aspects of solar power systems. All the topics and all the parts that make up a photovoltaic system are dealt with, with an emphasis on next-generation technologies and innovative applications. The book also contains an analysis of some aspects of the subject which are not strictly technical, including financial, environmental and legal issues. It also illustrates a series of pioneering achievements that should be taken as new benchmarks. The publication is intended for designers, architects, energy managers, installers, retailers, investors and technology teachers, as well as anyone who is curious about the subject, and supporters of green energy and sustainability strategies.

Notas biográficas

Laureato in ingegneria industriale, è membro delegato al Comitato Elettrotecnico Italiano (CEI), iscritto all’Albo Collaudatori della Regione Lombardia (Impianti Tecnologici). Da sempre lavora nel mondo dell’automazione industriale, è redattore per alcune riviste specialistiche, ha pubblicato numerosi articoli e studi riguardanti l’energia e la sicurezza degli impianti. Ha fondato, network di divulgazione tecnico-scientifica (


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