Editor's Note
DRHA Conference in Turin
Gabriella Giannachi, Letizia Gioia Monda, Antonio Pizzo
The Documentation, Conservation, and Sharing of Cultural Heritage
The Documentation, Conservation, and Sharing of Cultural Heritage
Gabriella Giannachi
From Digital (Art) Curation to Networked Co-Curating
Annet Dekker
The Rumor Underneath: A Feminist Approach to Performance-Based Art
Irene Pipicelli
Giacomo Verde's Archive
Annamaria Monteverdi
FORMA. Representing Space: Performance, Documentation, and Immersive Archive
Diego Schiavo
The Value of Choices: The DIAL Project
Raffaella Tartaglia
Digital Valorization of Cultural Memories: Three Case Studies in the
Emilia-Romagna Region
Federica Collina, Francesca Fabbri
Participatory Experiences as a New Way to Access Conservation Data in
Museum Contexts
Manuele Veggi, Sofia Pescarin
Digital Resources for Manuscripts: Between Fragmentation and Development Prospects
Chiara Senatore, Roberto Rosselli Del Turco, Paola Pisano
Management and Research in the Arts and Humanities
Alessia Spadi, Emiliano Degl'Innocenti, Carmen Di Meo
Use, Reuse, and Valorization: A Web App for Italian Cultural Heritage
Giulia Fabbris, Alessandro Bertozzi
Grandmother, Mother, Daughter: A Nineteenth-Century Egyptian Inheritance. Exploring the Impact of Archival Storytelling through a Site-Specific Spatial Augmented-Reality Exhibit in a Private Historic House
Sally Ann Skerrett
The Distribution of the Sensible
Flavia Dalila D'Amico
Sensoriality, Art, and Scenographic Culture in the Sixteenth through
Eighteenth Centuries: An Interactive and Inclusive Online Exhibition
Carmen González-Román
Between Scenarios: Traces of Customs in Tullio Victorino's Paintings
Elaine Karla de Almeida
Challenges and Opportunities for the Digital Enhancement of Religious
Cultural Heritage: A Proposal for the Arca di San Domenico in Bologna
Melissa Macaluso
The Digital Content: An Opportunity to Enjoy Collections
Lara Corona
Integrating AI in Museums. A New Phase in the Museum's Transformation
Yael Eylat Van Essen
The Digital Performance of Cultural Heritage
Antonio Pizzo
The Reuse of the Classics As Intangible Cultural Heritage: The "Dead
Centre" Case
Andrea Malosio
Reinventing and Relocating Opera. Digital Creativity and Opera Heritage
in the Intermedia Project by Davide Livermore and D-Wok
Giulia Carluccio, Stefania Rimini
The Digital Upgrade of Opera Theater: Intermedial Dramaturgies and
Technological Visualities in Fanny and Alexander's Spectacles
Laura Pernice
The Dramaturgies of Volumetric Captur
Lee Miller, Joanne 'Bob' Whalley
Theatrical Characteristics behind Immersivity through the Idea of
Arche-Screen. A First Case Study
Francesco Melchiorri
Orchestra in Digital Transformation: Expanding Perceptual Possibilities of Classical Music with a Hybrid Performance Format
Lara Perski, Renate Buschmann
Virtual and Real: Ideas and Tools for an Enhanced Theater in an Empathic Direction
Giorgia Coco
Between the White Box and Ethics: Social Knowledge and Ecological
Communication in Three Participative Artworks by Salvatore Iaconesi and Oriana Persico
Luca Befera