Stuttering at school

Social DRM

6,99 €


Today, speaking disabilities and stuttering affect about 4% of the scholastic population; a figure that highlights the significant dimension of the phenomenon and the need to deal with it. The necessity is felt especially by teachers and educators of school-aged children who feel the lack of a pedagogical method that allows them to approach the stutter in a conscious way.It is to these people that this book is directed. This book presents innovative guidelines that have been tested over 25 years of experience and studies.Guidelines which are based on empathy and shared management of the problem by a network which includes instructors, families and classmates and which have already helped hundreds of teachers and children to face and overcome their problem at school.Instructors will have a tool at their disposal which, by analyzing the causes of the problem and the experience of the stutterer and by providing suitable and involving methodologies, will allow them to relate properly with the child afflicted with stuttering and consequently, to make him express his full potential.
