Private contemporary art organisations in Italy

A Cultural Avant-Garde
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The first study devoted to private contemporary art organizations in Italy. The research dedicated to private contemporary art organizations in Italy constitutes a very important chapter in the body of recent studies focused on the description and analysis of the national art system. Conducted according to a rigorous scientific approach, it has produced a detailed map of an extensive and, in some ways unprecedented, cultural landscape. A cultural landscape that speaks to us of contemporary Italy, of the initiatives and energies of a private sector attentive to public interest. This publication documents a long-term journey supported and shared by a broad and composite professional community, united by a common objective: to raise awareness of the private ecosystem of contemporary art in Italy, through a scientific study capable of conferring depth and complexity to its history and activities, its functions and prospects. The study is the result of the dialogue, commitment and joint resources of three promoters – Intesa Sanpaolo, Comitato Fondazioni Arte Contemporanea, Associazione Civita – and the scientific coordination panel that expressed its diverse nature. The composition of a sample of sixty-three private companies with different legal forms is one of the unique features of this study. It provides us with an “Italian model”, a multifaceted set of organizations, united by the decision to operate through a continuous artistic, cultural and scientific programme. Published in the form of an e-book, it is completed and enriched by a series of essays that constitute its in-depth analysis of the situation.
