Sheet Metal Bending

Basics and Operational Techniques
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Press-bending is a key step in metal sheet manufacture. However, DIY approaches are often used and those highly limit the potential of machines and operators. In this guide, press-bending is discussed in all its aspects with an extremely practical approach. The work experiences of the author, as well as his experience as a teacher at the “Accademia della Piegatura” are put in this manual. The book provides schematics and step-by-step image sequences to better explain the different techniques. Moreover, QR codes can be used to access video showing the different processes presented in the manual. In a time of progress and Industry 4.0, there’s the need to improve one of the most important factors in press-bending: the human one. The manual is aimed to those who want to learn in this field but also to those self-thought operators that want to better explore the theoretical and practical aspect of press-bending. It can be a valuable tool also for those entrepreneurs interested in training their employees.

Note biografiche

Emiliano Corrieri è perito meccanico e ha maturato anni di esperienza nella lavorazione della lamiera in diversi ambiti quali: il taglio laser, l’assemblaggio, la finitura e soprattutto la pressopiegatura, in aziende di grandissima reputazione nelle lavorazioni speciali e di alta qualità. E’ co-fondatore e docente dell’Accademia della Piegatura, la prima scuola tecnico-pratica di piegatura della lamiera.


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