Italy 1943-1948: From catastrophe to reconstruction

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"The topic of this second edition of the Gaetano Sal- vemini Colloquium is one of the most complex in Italian history. In just a few years, between July 1943 and April 1948, a rapid succession of events took place that are critical to understand the history of post-fascist Italy along with the political and institutional process that led to the approval of the Constitution and the birth of the Republic."

Biografische Notizen

Massimo L. Salvadori è professore emerito dell’Università di Torino. Tra le sue più recenti pubblicazioni: Italia divisa. La coscienza tormentata di una nazione (Roma 2007); Liberalismo italiano. I dilemmi della libertà (Roma 2011); L’Italia e i suoi tre stati. Il cammino di una nazione (Roma-Bari 2011).


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